E-bikes Reviews and Buying Guide

20 March 2022

As a consumer, it can be a daunting task in order to finalise which e-bike will suffice your requirements. Given below are the factors that you should keep in mind before finalizing ane-bike:

  • Range and Speed: Always consider checking the top speed of the electric bike and the performance figures before deciding to buy one. Usually, the slow-speed electric scooters will reach a top speed of around 50-60 km/h, and high-speed electric two-wheelers are capable of hitting a top speed of around 70-90 km/h.

         The riding range of slow speed electric scooters is around 50 km, and that of the high speed variant is around 70-75 km. High-end                electric motorcycles with bigger battery packs will deliver a riding range of around 150 km on a single charge.

  • Battery and Charging System: The battery capacity of an electric vehicle determines its performance. Other important things are charging time and fast charge support. The life of a battery pack depends on the type of battery and the usage pattern. The new lithium-ion battery packs offer better life when compared to lead batteries or nickel batteries.
  • Motor Power: Make sure to consider the right amount of power needed for your usage. An under powered EV will ruin your whole experience of owning an electric bike.
  • Maintenance Costs: Maintaining an electric bike is inexpensive compared to the traditional motor bikes, as it has less moving parts and doesn’t require frequent service.
  • After Sales Support: Before choosing an electric bike brand, conduct thorough research on the after-sales service and support offered by the company.
  • Technology: Modern electric scooters come integrated with software and hardware with their design for a better control system. 
  • License Requirements: Electric two-wheelers can be driven without a driving license and not. Buyers should figure out their requirements and then shortlist the available options suitable for them.
  • Price: At last, price is always a key factor to consider when you go shopping. To give a healthy kickstart to EV adoption, governments are offering subsidies and incentives to make electric vehicles more affordable. 

Electric bikes may seem a new concept, but are quickly becoming popular all across the world, and more options are becoming available on the market. But, what is the reason? 

This is because of the following factors:

  • Instant torque and power: An electric motor has an instant 100% torque which promotes a rapid acceleration, that a fuel powered bike cannot match.
  • Less maintenance: An electric bike has less moving parts, thus cutting the cost of maintenance.
  • Quieter ride: The electric bikes produce no sound, thus helps in reducing noise pollution.
  • Lightweight: Since these bikes have less moving parts, they tend to be lightweight making them agile and compact.
  • Lower Running Cost: The initial cost of an electric bike is high, but over time lot of money can be saved depending on the electricity source and cost.
  • Environment Friendly: These bikes reduce our collective carbon footprint, and lowers CO2 emissions caused by the road traffic.

Due to the increasing fuel price, a larger milieu is slowly turning to pocket-friendly buys. With low-cost maintenance and low fuel prices, electric bikes are now affordable in the long run, which now quite a few households own.

The increase in the use of e-bikes instead of the ones that work on diesel and petrol will check on air pollution. So, let’s start using more of such commodities and encourage others to do the same.