Will renewable energy save us from climate change

08 March 2022

Restricting the global temperature rise to well below 2 degree Celsius this century is one of the crucial challenges of our world. Two-thirds of the overall greenhouse gas emissions in the world arise from the energy-related sources. This reason makes the transition to the renewable sustainable energy a crucial factor in fighting climate change. Provision of ‘carbon-neutral’ sources of power, heat, transport fuels and renewable energy options has been considered by environmental scientists as a great move in the right direction. The aimis to enact a shift from high to low carbon economy.

Extreme utilization of fossil energy along with agriculture, changes in land use, production and manufacturing processes, uses of chemicals etc. contribute significantly to emissions of greenhouse gases. However, 70% of the climate change and global warming problems are due to the unsustainable and extreme usage of non-renewable energy resources. So, in order to mitigate the problems related to climate change, we should all follow a transition from the usage of fossil fuels to renewable energy in every fields of life, be it at our homes, industries, transport and the rest of the sectors of our economy.

The renewable energy refers to the energy sources that occurs naturally in the environment like the solar, wind, hydro and geothermal energies etc., which can always be re-used. Renewable energy has the potential to combat the problems related to climate change. These energy sources are not finite and hence there is no question of energy depletion. The renewable energy sources do not emit greenhouse gases and do not pollute the air.

Renewable energy, together with energy efficiency, forms the cornerstone of the world’s mitigation strategy. They embody a safe, consistent, affordable and instantly deployable pathway to a low-carbon future that can attain over 90 per cent of the energy-related CO2 emission reductions needed to meet climate goals. Avoiding the worst effects of global warming will require us to source at least 85 per cent of global power from renewables, with a minimum of two thirds of total energy from renewable sources – wind, solar, geothermal, hydro, bioenergy and the promisingtidal technology – by 2050. This means that we must exploit the solutions available to fuel systemic transformation towards a digitalized, decentralized and decarbonized energy paradigm.

The progress is lagging outside of the power-sector. End-use energy sectors, such as heating and cooling in buildings, and transportation, is a major source of energy-related emissions. Yet the share of renewables in these sectors is low, with little progress in recent years. Instead, they still rely on fossil fuels.Swapping these polluting fuels with electricity, while making sure that this electricity is generated from renewables, is the key to reducing the carbon emissions of these end-use sectors.

Renewable energy can sure save the natural world, but if we are not careful , it will also hurt it. Building solar panels, wind turbines and other renewable energy infrastructure requires mining for materials. If not done responsibly, this may damage species and ecosystems. Also, in order to create the infrastructure needed for utilizing these resources, a carbon footprint is created.

When it comes to renewable energy, the positives compensatefor the negatives. Transitioning to renewables on a personal, corporate, or governmental level will not only help you save money but also promote a cleaner, healthier environment for the future. What we need here is proactive planning in order to mitigate the problems caused by renewable energy production.